Working At A New Zealand Ski Field

Working At A New Zealand Ski Field

From the New Zealand Adventure Guide Program to working for Cardrona Ski Resort, check out what Rachel has to say about her time on the program and what her current role involves. Originally from Singapore Rachel came out to Queenstown, New Zealand for the program and has decided to stay out here to work.


Where are you currently working and what role are you in?

  • I'm currently working as a rentals assistant at Cardrona Ski Field in Wānaka for the Winter season.

What does a day in the life of your role look like?

  • Mornings are busy with guests coming in ready to hit the slopes! At rentails, we match and set up the equipment and gear for guests for snowboarding or skiing depending on their age, height, weight and ability. We also prepare guests with accessories like helmets, goggles, jackets and pants ready for the Wintery conditions. Getting equipment ready for school groups, keeping the gear organised and ensuring that they are in good condition. We welcome the guests to the resort and get them set up and ready for their day on the slopes!



What is a highlight of your current role?

  • Being up in the snowy mountains all the time with great views and morning sunrises and evening sunsets! Getting to ski down the slopes during ride breaks in the middle of the workday when guests are having lunch and it's nice and quiet and just taking a stroll around Cardrona Ski Field to chat to guests and bring them a memorable experience. 

How did the New Zealand Adventure Guide Program set you up for this role?

  • Understanding and knowledge of gear and equipment for outdoor sports like hiking and rock climbing which is applicable to other types of outdoor sports too. The program has also helped train my confidence in navigating outdoor environments both at work and personal recreation.  

What advice would you give to someone looking to do the Adventure Guide Program?

  • Don't be afraid to give it a try because it introduces you to both hard skills and soft skills of outdoor sports, and exposes you to interact with clients and guests in outdoor settings. The experience also helps you to grow and challenge your limits in a safe and supportive team of amazing instructors and fellow course mates! 



Rachel completed the New Zealand Adventure Guide Program in 2023, to learn more about the program check it out HERE.